Security Awareness Reinforcement

Decades of studies have concluded that the average person must be repeatedly exposed to a concept before the concept is committed to long-term memory. Annual security awareness training is not sufficient. Like advertising, security awareness principles must be repeated in a way that reinforces core messages. eSecurity Awareness offers a full suite of security awareness reinforcement options. Our reinforcement services are designed to inform, educate and even entertain.

Security Awareness Break Room Poster

Break Room Posters

A critical element of an effective security awareness program is repetition. Our break room posters are designed to reinforce a core security concept in an interesting, personal way that will affect user behavior. Posters reinforce lessons that address ransomware, spear phishing, smishing and vishing to name a few.

Newsletter Articles

Our monthly newsletter provides news, industry best practice insight and notification of emerging threats. Articles are written at a level that an average person can easily understand, but often expose end users to the dark side of the Internet. Like other security awareness content, articles are authored by industry experts.

Security Awareness Reinforcement - Newsletter
Security Awareness Event


eSecurity Awareness coordinates and executes events such as "security awareness day", seminars and live hacking demonstrations. Security awareness events allow users to interact with security experts, reinforcing core security principles. This is a great way to promote security within your entire organization.


There is no better time to start than right now. Threat actors are tirelessly working to get past business defenses. With the increase in cyber threats, annual security training is no longer sufficient. Employees must be continuously exposed to security awareness messaging to effectively mitigate risk.